Goals 2021

January 4, 2021

Looking ahead to a successful year and what that means for me!

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Looking ahead to a successful year and what that means for me!

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Looking ahead to a successful year and what that means for me!

Looking ahead to a successful year and what that means for me!

GOALS GOALS GOALS! Is everyone as pumped up about their 2021 goals as I am?!

I think we all have high hopes for this year since last year we were all on the struggle bus. I'll be the first to say that a TON of positive things happened in my life last year as a result of the crazy events ini 2020, BUT that doesn't make the year any easier. It was tough, and I'm thrilled to be able to start fresh this year.

If you want a laugh, you can read my 2020 Goals post, which also links to my past 4 years of goals posts! I think the biggest laugh (aka saddest part) about the 2020 post is my #20in2020 dinner party goal. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT?!?!!?! Dinner parties are back, and 2021 is the year of the dinner party, my friends! ;)

I'm sharing my 2021 goals, large and small, and can't wait to keep you updated throughout the year, unlike last year! My quarterly updates are already scheduled on the calendar - on top of it this year, friends! 

I'm keeping a few goals private in regard to business and finances, but here are a few that are fun goals that I'll be sharing with you along the way this year!

2021 GOALS

1. #21in21 YES WE ARE DOING THIS AGAIN! Get ready for dinner parties galore, people! Some casual, some formal, some themed, some last-minutes, it all counts! To make this clear, I want to have 21 dinner parties in my home in 2021. This will be a mix of old friends, new friends, older friends, younger friends, grill-outs, pot-lucks....let's do it!

2. Read at least 12 new books! I started strong last year, but then faded somehow throughout the year, so I'm not going to waste time counting, but I think I read 12? Going to keep better track this year!

3. WIFE GOALS! Since I'm married now, I have a little more motivation to finish my work during normal daytime work hours and stop being a night owl! So basically work/life balance is happening this year. This is slightly vague, but comes down to focusing on my work during the day.

4. WAKE UP AT 5:30AM. I'm not sure why I started writing in all caps, but you know, it seems totally appropriate because I'm the most PUMPED about this goal! I've slowly made progress in my quest to become a morning person, but now that I have help from my husband, who wakes up and gets to the gym by 5:30am, I KNOW I can do it. The key is going to bed on time, which is always tough for me, but now that Adam is here to keep me on track during my bedtime routine, I think I can ditch my old distracted ways! ("oh, maybe I'll try this new clay mask tonight!") Ha!

5. TRAVEL IN 2021! Couple goals are definitely a thing, too! Adam and I both love to travel and didn't go anywhere new in 2020 to play it safe, SO we want to explore to a few new places in 2021. I think 3 is a reasonable goal, although I haven't finalized that number with him ;) We'll do our official honeymoon in February, and we really wanted to visit Vermont during the fall last year, so I think we'll make that trip happen to see some fall foliage. We're also thinking a domestic roadtrip type of trip: maybe the Highway 1 drive down the California coast, or a fun New Mexico adventure, or something like that. Thats a vague but also kind of specific goal, or at least has some parameters, so I think it works. ;) 

6. **I don't think this is a "goal" yet, but just an idea to play with: move somewhere fun for a year? Remember when I moved to Paris in 2017? Well, I loved living abroad in Paris and also during college in Valencia, Spain for 6 months. Adam grew up mostly overseas and speaks French, so living abroad isn't out of the question, but we would also be open to moving to a different city in the US. We both love Denver and the mountains, and that would be a fun change of pace from Dallas. JUST something to think about right now, but I wanted to share because I want to remind you that it's never too late to go on an adventure, do something new, or take a big risk.

7. GO ON 30 COFFEE DATES! I'm not 100% about the number or what the details will be, but maybe coffee with a new friend, new connection, interesting person? After a year of shrinking my circle dramatically, I'm ready to expand again, starting on a very small scale: coffee with one person. This stretches me in a couple ways: out of my comfort zone and also demands time in my schedule. It's a sacrifice, so that's how I know I'm serious about making the effort of expanding my circle. AND it should be fun, too ;) 

Let's go 2021! This is our year! If you feel like last year was blah, and you're not sure how to tackle some of your larger goals or just lacking motivation, just think how you'll feel next year if you don't start on your goals and at least give them a shot!

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