7 Ways to Feel More Organized Now

December 8, 2016

With Christmas fast-approaching, it's easy to feel overwhelmed, but here are 7 ways to make you feel like you've got it all together (even if you don't!).

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With Christmas fast-approaching, it's easy to feel overwhelmed, but here are 7 ways to make you feel like you've got it all together (even if you don't!).

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With Christmas fast-approaching, it's easy to feel overwhelmed, but here are 7 ways to make you feel like you've got it all together (even if you don't!).

With Christmas fast-approaching, it's easy to feel overwhelmed, but here are 7 ways to make you feel like you've got it all together (even if you don't!).

Being an organized person is a way of life that takes time and discipline to develop, but you have to start somewhere! There are a few things you can do to start feeling organized that will give you a jump start to making big changes in your life! You have probably heard this before, but it is so true: "If you want to change your life, change something you do every day." I have put together an easy list of ways to feel organized with immediate results so you'll feel more accomplished and productive! You may have been told some of these before, but now you have no excuse.

  1. Make your bed!
    I know, I know... "thanks mom." But making your bed in the morning helps you feel productive as soon as your feet hit the floor. You've already checked one thing off your to do list and your eyes are barely open! Win! Bonus: this will keep you from getting back in bed, which is especially helpful in the winter months.
  2. Keep a calendar (or two!).
    You'll feel so legit when you say "let me check my calendar." There's no excuse not to have an up-to-date calendar with all of your appointments listed daily. Use your phone or a planner to keep all of your activities in one place. I love color-coding and syncing my phone and computer calendars to keep my workouts, freelance deadlines, and appointments, along with my blog content calendar. I use a daily planner (the Simplified Planner by Emily Ley) to see my month at a glance, make daily to do lists, and keep myself on track to achieving my goals.
  3. Put it away, right away!
    How many times have you taken your shoes off after a long day of work and thrown them on the floor of your room? (guilty!) Earlier this year, I made a commitment to put things away immediately and it made a huge difference in my daily life; I rarely have 9 pairs of shoes on the floor anymore and I can easily find the pair I'm looking for while getting dressed in the morning. I still fail sometimes, but now when I clean my room it only takes 10 minutes, instead of 2 hours. Whether it's shoes in the closet or filing paperwork, do it right away and save time and stress by spending 30 seconds on it now instead of letting tasks build up until you reach your breaking point.
  4. Unsubscribe.
    How many emails do you delete everyday without even opening them? Tons!! Next time, before you hit "delete," open it up and unsubscribe. Stop the overflow of daily emails. Besides, receiving all of those J.Crew promotional emails just makes you want to spend money you don't have. #amiright?!
  5. Make Lists!
    I love ALL lists, but specifically, I want you to keep a note on your phone of restaurants you want to eat at and activities you want to do.
    Stop wasting time trying to decide where to eat tonight or what you want to do this weekend. Keep a running list of places to visit and things to do in your city to beat boredom on the weekends and always be the one with an answer when your friends ask "where should we eat tonight?" Boom.
  6. Stop Hitting Snooze!
    Admittedly, I struggle with this one because I am such a night owl! However, if you can go to bed on time and wake up on time, your body will thank you and the rest of your day will be off to a great start! Snoozing first thing in the morning is a great way to feel rushed and stressed out all day- no thanks! The key here is "go to bed on time!!"
  7. Plan your day the night before.
    As I mentioned, I love lists, so naturally, I make a list for tomorrow, today. Review your meetings, appointments, and task list before hitting the hay so you are mentally prepared when you wake up the next morning. Take it one step further and lay out your outfit so you don't waste time searching for specific items of clothing in the morning. If you have a workout scheduled, pack your duffle and leave it by the door to grab on your way out- you'll never forget your socks again!

These are just a few easy ways to feel more organized in your day to day life. There are plenty of tools, apps, and "life hacks" that can help you along the way, but even if you choose just 2 or 3 items from this list, you'll immediately feel more at ease, productive, and ready to conquer your day! Remember, "If you want to change your life, change something you do every day."

Photo via Sarah Vonh.

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